jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

Who lives here?

The mains aims of this activity are:
  • To develop the ability to use symbols to represent an adult and a child.
  • To develop the ability to construct representations of a house and family.
  • To use representations of a house and a family.
  • To develop the concept of "an address".
  • To learn their address - the number of the house and the name of the road.
To develop the ability to use substitute shapes to represent real objects.


1. Before the session, ask parents to help you familiarise the children with their addresses (number and road name).
In class, show pictures of the bear family and talk about them; have Teddy ask the children questions about their families. 
Next, explain that Teddy wants to tell his family everything the children have said, but is worried because he cannot remember it all!, so show the children how Teddy can use large and small circles to help him remember. Establish that Teddy can use big circles to represent the adults in a family and small circles for the children.

2. Give each child a sheet of paper with a house on it and a glue stick; help the children choose appropriate circles for each member of their own households and stick them.
Have the children use their representation to tell Teddy about their families and following, have Teddy ask each child for their address ("in case I want
to visit you"). 
Write the address on the paper as the child gives Teddy the information; have the list of addresses ready in case the children need help; give Teddy the representations to "take back home to the forest".

3. Help each child make a special reminder of his/her addres, using small plastic cups with lids ("your house") and display the child's name prominently on the side (for example, "Jack's House"). 
To finish, help each child put large and small circles into the cup to represent every member of his/her household and ask them individually their house number and the name of their road for write this information on the top of each cup. Tell the children that they can use their special cups to show visitors their addresses.



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