miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016

Let's drive a car!

This activity contributes to:
  • Enter into the emotional and imaginative world of a story through movement.
  • Develop a rich repertoire of expressive actions.
  • Copy the teacher's changes of expressive action.
  • Start pedorming an action in response to a verbal or non verbal request.
  • Stop performing an action in response to a verbal or non verbal request. 


1. Show the children the toy car; let them examine it. Talk about the car, identifying different parts of its structure. Then,ask the children to point at parts of the car "Where are the wheels? Whereis the steering wheel?"...

2. Tell the children that they are going to pretend to drive a cat, but first
they have to learn to make the car start. We say "We have to switch on the engine" (imitanting turning on the ignition, and encouraging the children to copy it).
Say, "And we're off!" we continue making the engine noises, varying the volume and intensity to maintain interest; as you do this pretend to steer.
Say, "Sometimes when we are out driving we have to stop our cars
very quickly - maybe we see a rabbit in the road and if we don't stop we'll hit it! We have to stamp on the brakes with our foot very quickly, like this" (showing the children how to "stamp on the brakes").
Say, "Let's see if we can all stop our cars very quickly. When I say "Stop!" stamp on your brakes. Praise the children who copy it. 
Say, "Let's go!" and encourage the children to copy it as you make
engine noises and "steer."
Repeat the sequence of driving and saying stop; praise children as they follow your instructions, to provide positive feedback for those who comply and also to encourage those who have not yet complied to follow suit.


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